Faust, Maria (2022): The Theoretical and Empirical Paradox of Temporal Change Due to Digital Media In Germany and China, Doktorarbeit. Accesible at:[id]
Edited Volumes
Herdin, Thomas; Faust, Maria; Chen, Guo-Ming (Eds.) (2020): De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures: Perspectives from the Global South. Baden-Baden: NOMOS.
Reviews: Meitei, Oinam Bedajit (2021): Challenging perspectives: Review of De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures edited by Herdin, Faust and Chen, Media Asia, 1-3.
Nikhila, H. & Viswanath, Gita (2021): De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures: Perspectives from the Global South, The Journal of International Communication, 1-4.
Faust, Maria (Ed.) (2018): Special Section on Visual Online Communication in BRICS Countries. In: China Media Research. 14(2). 44-97.
Stiehler, Hans-Jörg; Hagen, Sebastian, Frey, Felix, Faust, Maria; & Koch, Sebastian (Eds.) (2014): Inspiration und Systematik. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsbuchverlag.
Peer Reviewed Articles
Faust, Maria; Ziese, Gabriele; Volkert, Kathrin (2021): “One or the Other? Yin Yang! Thinking German Culture in Terms of an Integrative Paradigm.” In: China Media Research. 17(2). 22-46.
Faust, Maria (2020): “Does the Internet Change Past, Present and Future? Quantitative Survey Measures for Germany and China.” In: Folklore: Structure, Typology, Semiotics. 3(2). 97- 124.
Faust, Maria; Jin, Xuelian (2020): “An Empirical Verification of Social Time Theories: Investigating Digitally Induced Temporal Change in Germany and China.” In: Journal of Multicultural Discourses. 15(2). 165-185
Faust, Maria (2020): „Meta Trends of Digitally Induced Temporal Change in Germany and China between Micro-, Meso-, and Macro Levels. ” In: China Media Research. 16(1). 30-43.
Faust, Maria (2020): “Does the Internet Change Present and Future? Quantitative Survey Measures for Germany and China.” In: Folklore: Structure, Typology, Semiotics. 3(2). 130-158.
Faust, Maria (2019): “Does the democratic West ‘learn’ from the authoritarian East? Juxtaposing German and Chinese Internet censorship and filter bubbles. In: East Asian Journal of Popular Culture. 5(1). 55-78.
Faust, Maria (2018): “Theorizing German and Chinese Culture Standards: An Emic Approach to Explain Cultural Differences from a Yin Yang Perspective.” In: China Media Research. 14(4). 24-36.
Faust, Maria (2018): “Visual Online Communication in BRICS Countries – An Introduction.” In: China Media Research. 14(2). 44-47.
Faust, Maria; Schneider, Florian; Herdin, Thomas; Ji, Deqiang; Negro, Gianluigi; Zhou, Tianyang; Vargas, Amália; Nascimento, Ana Karina (2018): “BRICS as formation to study visual/online communication? A dialogue on historical origins, perspectives on theory and future directions.” In: China Media Research. 14(2). 85-97.
Faust, Maria (2017): “Bridging East and West: The Dynamic Paradox Approach Integrating Yin Yang and Dynamic-Transactional Approaches.” In: China Media Research. 13(3). 47-59.
Faust, Maria (2016): “How the Internet changes the way we deal with time and plan in China and in Germany.” In: IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet. In: IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 14(2), 1-22
Peer Reviewed Proceedings
Faust, Maria (2021): “Communication Networks and their Relevance for Temporal Digital Change." In: Pol'zovatel'skiy kontent v sovremennoy kommunikatsii: Sbornik materialov I Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (User Content in Modern Communication: Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference). Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 22nd – 23rd April 2021. 256-258.
Faust, Maria (2019): “Revitalizing Eastern and Western Online Communication.” at Revitalization and Representation, The CALA, The Conference of Asian Linguistic Anthropology, 23rd – 26th January 2019, Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Siem Reap, Cambodia. 51-67.
Faust, Maria (2018): “A Micro-Meso-Macro Model to Explain Temporal Change Due to the Internet” In: Dushakova, Irina S., Dushakova, Natalia S. (Ed.): Mediatizatsiya kul’tury: konstruirovaniye novykh tekstov i praktik. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii (The mediatization of culture. Constructing new texts and practices: Proceedings of the International Conference). Moscow, Russia, 30th November – 2nd December 2018. Moscow: NEOLIT 2018. (In Russian and English). 151-155.
Faust, Maria (2016): “A Theoretical Framework to Explain Effects of Internet-Mediated Communication on German and Chinese Temporal Understanding.” at 9th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings, 1st – 3rd July 2016, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. 20-31.
Book Chapters
Faust, Maria (2024): “Lux in Tenebris“, In: Booth, Paul (2024): Entering the Multiverse: Perspectives on Alternate Universes and Parallel Worlds. New York: Routledge. 65-69.
Kermani, Hossein; Faust, Maria (2021): “Living with Instalive in Iran: Social Media Use in Authoritarian Countries during the Pandemic.“ In: Milan, Stefania; Treré, Emiliano; Masiero, Siliva (Ed.): COVID-19 From the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies, and Resistance in the Datafied Society. Institute of Network Cultures: Theory on Demand, 192-194.
Herdin, Thomas; Faust, Maria; Chen, Guo-Ming (2020): “On the Need for de-Westernization of Visual Communication and Culture in the Global South.” In: Herdin, Thomas; Faust, Maria; Chen, Guo-Ming (Eds.): De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures: Perspectives from the Global South. Baden-Baden: NOMOS. 7-34.
Hagen, Sebastian; Frey, Felix; Koch, Sebastian; Faust, Maria (2014): “Theoriebildung zwischen Inspiration und Systematik. Ein theoretischer Überblick und eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme zu Verfahren der Theorieentwicklung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft.“ In: Stiehler, Hans-Jörg; Hagen, Sebastian, Frey, Felix, Koch, Sebastian & Faust, Maria (Eds.) Inspiration und Systematik. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsbuchverlag. 122-198.
Faust, Maria (2008): “Charakter wird zum Schicksal: Exponatbeschreibungen.“ In: Schneider, Ulrich Johannes (Ed.): Jöchers 6000. Ein Mann, eine Mission, ein Lexikon. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag. 41-44.
Book Reviews
Faust, Maria (2023): “History and Popular Memory. The Power of Story in Moments of Crisis, Paul A. Cohen (2014/2017).” In: East Asian Journal of Popular Culture. 9(2). 304-306.
Faust, Maria (2022): “Coming to Terms with Timelessness: Daoist Time in Comparative Perspective, edited by Livia Kohn.“ In: Kronoscope. 22(2). 134-136.
Faust, Maria (2023): Science Communication In: George, Cherian, Karyotakis, Minos-Athanasios (2023): Community views: obstacles to globalising media research, Accesible at:
Faust, Maria (2022): "Forschen zwischen Fjorden, Kaffee und Techno", Researcher Feature, Accessible at:
Faust, Maria (2022): "Visiting scholar Maria Faust at the Bergen Media Use Research Group", Researcher Feature, written by Ella Maria Holi, Accessible at:
Faust, Maria (2022): Expert Interview for Graduate Research Project at George Washington University, Elliott School of International Affairs by Brendan Bordelon on “A Comparative Study regarding the Effect of Germany's NetzDG Law and HongKong's National Security Law on Online Speech".
Herdin, Tom; Faust, Maria; Chen, Guo-Ming (2021): Book Review of De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures: Perspectives from the Global South, written by Oinam Bedajit Meitei (2021) Challenging Perspectives: Review of De-westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures edited by Herdin, Faust and Chen, In: Media Asia, 48(3), 229-231.
Herdin, Tom; Faust, Maria; Chen, Guo-Ming (2021): Book Review of De-Westernizing Visual Communication and Cultures: Perspectives from the Global South, written by Nikhila H. & Gita Viswanath (2021), In: The Journal of International Communication. 27(2): 317-320.
Kermani, Hossein; Faust, Maria (2020): “Living with Instalive in Iran: Social Media Use in Authoritarian Countries during the Pandemic.“ Accesible at:
Faust, Maria (2020): Researcher Profile. Center for Intercultural Dialogue. Accessible at:
Faust, Maria; Faust, Annemarie (2020): “COVID19 beyond Temporal and Spatial Borders?! Power, (In)Equalities and Perceptions from the Non-Western World.” Accessible at:
Faust, Maria (2020): Key Concept Translation of “Postcolonialism”, English to German. Center for Intercultural Dialogue. Translation Accessible at:
Faust, Maria (2020): Interview Translation of: Rosa, Hartmut (2020): “Wir sind in einem Versuchslabor.“, German to English. In: TAZ. 25th March 2020. Translation carried out on behalf of Filip Vostal, PhD, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Faust, Maria (2020): Interview Translation of: Rosa, Hartmut (2020): “Auf einmal sind wir nicht mehr die Gejagten.“, German to English. In: Philosophie Magazin. 18th March 2020. Translation carried out on behalf of Filip Vostal, PhD, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Faust, Maria; Vostal, Filip (2018): “The Social Life of Time: Power, Discrimination and Transformation The 1st Temporal Belongings International Conference. 05. – 07. 06. 2018 – Edinburgh, Scotland. Tagungsbericht von Maria Faust and Filip Vostal: A matter of agency: Reflections on the ‘Social Life of Time’ Conference.” In: Zeitpolitisches Magazin.15(32). 38-39.
Faust, Maria (2017): Expert Interview for Master Thesis in Media Management at FH St. Pölten by Eva Kopf on “Investitionsoptionen am audiovisuellen Medienmarkt Chinas. Eine strategische Analyse von Umfeld- und Erfolgsfaktoren für einen Markteintritt am Film-und Fernsehmarkt Chinas, am Beispiel der gemeinnützigen Medienorganisation Okto“.
Faust, Maria (2014): “Soziale Medien in China. Dasselbe in Rot.“ Radio Interview, carried out by Andreas Funke in Leipzig. Accessible at:
Faust, Maria (2011): “Who is Who? Mitglieder der DGfZP stellen sich vor.” In: Zeitpolitisches Magazin. 8(19). 19.
Faust, Maria (2010): “Zeitliche Nutzungsmuster des Internet im Tagesablauf. Eine empirische Untersuchung zu den Einflüssen zeitlicher Nutzungsmotive, der zeitlichen Flexibilität der Tätigkeit und der Zeitgebundenheit der Kommunikationsformen.“ Leipzig: Unpublished Master Thesis.
Faust, Maria; Gödicke, Sandra, Hähnig, Anne; Manthey, Sandra; Rohde, Monika; Rosch, Jutta; Stuber, Werner; Thürer, Peter (2010): Festzeitschrift zum 20-jährigen Bestehen der AIDS-Hilfe Leipzig e.V. Leipzig: AIDS-Hilfe Leipzig e.V.